
Content - Volume 19, Issue 1

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Personality factors as predictors of compliance with and the outcome of supervised self-care program for patients with intermittent claudication
Keltikangas-Järvinen L, Lepäntalo M, Lindfors O
Personality factors related to the outcome of supervised self-care treatment program were studied in 56 patients with intermittent claudication. Psychological methods used were: structured interviews, the Rorschach Test, the Thematic Apperception Test, Beck's Depression Inventory, the Beth Israel Hospital Inventory of alexithymic behavior and Sauri's Creativity Inventory of psychic flexibility and ...
Pages: 1-6
Abstract  PDF
Personality factors in intermittent claudication related to the outcome of self-care program
Keltikangas-Järvinen L, Lindfors O, Lepäntalo M.
The relationship between personality factors in intermittent claudication and the patient's compliance with the therapeutic regimen was studied. Fifty-three patients with intermittent claudication were clinically examined, interviewed and tested with the Wechsler Intelligence Test, the Rorschach Test and the Ceasarec-Marke Inventory. The patients were given self-care program with four recommendati ...
Pages: 7-11
Abstract  PDF
Issues in the Management of Behaviour Disturbance as a Consequence of Severe Head Injury
R L Tate
The management of organic psychosocial deficit following severe head injury has been a neglected area of rehabilitation. Behavioural modification programmes are being utilised increasingly to ameliorate inappropriate behaviours within the rehabilitation framework. Patterns of organic psychosocial deficits in the head injured are described and issues in the management of behaviour disturbances and ...
Pages: 13-18
Abstract  PDF
Behaviour Management Techniques for Organic Psychosocial Deficit Incurred by Severe Head Injury
R L Tate
Subgroups of severe head injured patients exhibit patterns of organic psychosocial deficits resulting in behavioural disturbances. Behavioural management techniques are discussed and two case illustrations are presented in detail: a physically disabled but cognitively well preserved patient who refused to cooperate with therapy programmes; and a permanently severely physically and cognitively disa ...
Pages: 19-24
Abstract  PDF
Walking After Stroke. Measurement and Recovery Over the First 3 Months
D T Wade, V A Wood, A Heller, J Maggs, R Langton Hewer
Sixty surviving patients had their walking ability and speed assessed regularly over the first 3 months after an acute stroke. Sixty-four matched controls were studied to allow categorisation of speed as 'slow' or 'normal'. Fourteen patients never had any significant loss of walking speed; fifteen patients never recovered the ability to walk and one patient remained dependent upon verbal support. ...
Pages: 25-30
Abstract  PDF
The Effect of Water Exercise Therapy Given to Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis
B Danneskiold-Samsøe, K Lyngberg, T Risum, M Telling
It is well known that patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have a reduced muscular function. The positive effect of physical training on rheumatic patients has been shown. In this study the effect of exercise therapy performed in a heated swimming pool has been evaluated for eight patients in a non-acute stage of rheumatoid arthritis. The median pre-treatment maximal isometric and isokinet ...
Pages: 31-35
Abstract  PDF
Treatment of Drop Foot Using an Implantable Peroneal Underknee Stimulator
P Strojnik, R Acimovic, E Vavken, V Simic, U Stanic
An implantable peroneal stimulator has been developed to improve the rehabilitation of the drop foot patients who cannot use or refuse the use of conventionally applied peroneal braces. The small size promotes convenient attachment on the stimulation site after a minor surgical intervention. During the past two years twenty implants have been applied. The influence of different stimulation paramet ...
Pages: 37-43
Abstract  PDF