
Content - Volume 4, Issue 4

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Checklist use for assessment of satisfaction with trans-tibial prostheses
Erwin C.T. Baars , Jan H.B. Geertzen, Pieter U. Dijkstra
Objective: To assess satisfaction of prosthesis users with their prostheses, and the problems they experience with the residual limb, using a checklist, in order to evaluate potential benefits of checklist use and to summarize issues and problems with the prosthesis and/or residual limb presented by prosthesis users. Design: Cross-sectional study. Subjects: Participants were adult trans-tibial ...
Pages: 1-7
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Tailored use of compensation strategies to enable exercise despite festination in Parkinson's disease
Berber E. A. Koelmans, Niek A. Verweij, Sjors C. F. van de Weijers, Bastiaan R. Bloem, Jorik Nonnekes
Despite increasing evidence for, and heightened awareness of, the importance of exercise in Parkinson's disease, many patients remain sedentary. This tendency to lead an inactive lifestyle has various underlying reasons, including the presence of gait and balance impairments that complicate the patients' ability to perform sports activities. This case report illustrates that a personally tailored ...
Pages: 1-2
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Spinal dorsal rami injection and radiofrequency neurolysis for low back pain caused by osteoporosis-induced thoracolumbar vertebral compression fractures
Linqiu Zhou, Jeffrey Zhou
Objective: Low back pain caused by osteoporosis-induced thoracolumbar vertebral compression fractures is a common debilitating disorder. The aims of this study were to determine the accuracy and efficacy of spinal dorsal ramus injection and radiofrequency neurolysis for pain reduction in patients with this condition. Methods: This study was a retrospective chart review of 46 patients with low ba ...
Pages: 1-6
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