Content - Volume 98, Issue 8
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Editor's choice in this issue
Seung Hwan Paik, Sihyeok Jang, Hee-Kyung Joh, Chun Soo Lim, BeLong Cho, Ohsang Kwon, Seong Jin Jo

This study presented an association between premature hair graying (PHG) and metabolic risk factors in young Koreans. Waist circumference, blood pressure, and fasting blood sugar were higher and serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was lower in subjects with PHG. The prevalence of subjects who had two or more metabolic risk factors was higher in subjects with PHG than those without. It postulates that PHG can be considered as a clinical marker for evaluating patients at risk for metabolic syndrome.
Pages: 748-752
Kamonwan Jutivorakool, Prattana Sittiwattanawong, Kornphaka Kantikosum, Cameron P. Hurst, Chanat Kumtornrut, Pravit Asawanonda, Jettanong Klaewsongkram, Pawinee Rerknimitr

Adult-onset immunodeficiency due to anti-interferon-γ autoantibody is an emerging acquired immunodeficiency with frequent skin manifestations. A retrospective chart review was conducted and identified 41 patients with the syndrome. Skin involvement was detected in 33 (80%) patients, 15 (45%) with infective skin diseases and 27 (82%) with reactive skin disorders. Reactive lesions were mostly neutr ...
Pages: 742-747
All articles
Theresa Suilmann, Claudia Zeidler, Nani Osada, Claudia Riepe, Sonja Ständer
Impaired sleep due to nocturnal pruritus is a common symptom in patients with chronic pruritus. However, there is no standardized, simplified instrument for assessing sleep-related problems in patients with chronic pruritus. After a literature search, we conducted 50 interviews with patients with chronic pruritus and tested 12 items most frequently used in routine sleep questionnaires. Afterwards, ...
Pages: 722-727
Gabriella Bröms, Ann Haerskjold, Fredrik Granath, Helle Kieler, Lars Pedersen, Ingegärd A. Berglind
Studies on pregnancy and birth outcomes in women with psoriasis are scarce and the findings inconsistent. The effect of maternal psoriasis and its severity on the risk of adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes was examined. A cross-national population-based cohort study was performed using prospectively collected data from Denmark and Sweden. Singleton births in women with psoriasis were identified ...
Pages: 728-734
Greta Gourier, Chloé Théréné, Margaux Mazeas, Claire Abasq-Thomas, Emilie Brenaut, Flavien Huet, Haitham Sonbol, Elize Campillo, Julie Lemerle, Elisabeth Pasquier, Emmanuelle Le Moigne, Alain Saraux, Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec, Laurent Misery, Yves Renaudineau
Pruritus is a frequent symptom in systemic sclerosis (SSc), with a prevalence of 40–65%, but its pathophysiology is poorly understood. This study investigated the immunological component of pruritus. Fifty-six patients with SSc responded to a standardized questionnaire regarding both SSc disease and pruritus characteristics. Among patients with SSc, those with pruritus did not display a particul ...
Pages: 735-741
Kamonwan Jutivorakool, Prattana Sittiwattanawong, Kornphaka Kantikosum, Cameron P. Hurst, Chanat Kumtornrut, Pravit Asawanonda, Jettanong Klaewsongkram, Pawinee Rerknimitr
Adult-onset immunodeficiency due to anti-interferon-γ autoantibody is an emerging acquired immunodeficiency with frequent skin manifestations. A retrospective chart review was conducted and identified 41 patients with the syndrome. Skin involvement was detected in 33 (80%) patients, 15 (45%) with infective skin diseases and 27 (82%) with reactive skin disorders. Reactive lesions were mostly neutr ...
Pages: 742-747
Seung Hwan Paik, Sihyeok Jang, Hee-Kyung Joh, Chun Soo Lim, BeLong Cho, Ohsang Kwon, Seong Jin Jo
The association of hair greying with metabolic syndrome is not well known, while association with obesity and coronary artery disease has been suggested. A cross-sectional study was conducted to identify an association between premature hair greying and metabolic risk factors. Of the 1,929 young healthy subjects (1,067 men and 862 women), 704 (36.4%) were categorized in the premature hair greying ...
Pages: 748-752
Yuichi Yoshida, Yuko Ehara, Monji Koga, Shinichi Imafuku, Osamu Yamamoto
Neurofibromatosis 1 has various complications. To elucidate the frequency of neurofibromatosis 1-related major complications requiring medical intervention, a nationwide retrospective study was conducted of 3,530 patients with neurofibromatosis 1 registered from 2001 to 2014 in Japan. The ratio of certified patients requiring medical intervention (>stage 3) was 82%. Patients classified in the most ...
Pages: 753-756
Karolina Kaaz, Jacek C. Szepietowski, Łukasz Matusiak
There is a lack of data evaluating the influence of hidradenitis suppurativa-related subjective symptoms on sleep quality. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of itch and pain on sleep quality in 108 patients with hidradenitis suppurativa compared with 50 controls. The Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were used to evaluate a spectrum of sleep dist ...
Pages: 757-761
Bani Kaur Suri, Navin Kumar Verma, Artur Schmidtchen
Carbonic anhydrases are ubiquitously expressed enzymes that reversibly hydrate carbon dioxide to bicarbonate and protons. While the main function of carbonic anhydrases is to regulate pH and osmotic balance, their involvement in other physiological processes remains to be explored. This study analysed changes in mRNA and protein levels of carbonic anhydrase II in human primary keratinocytes treate ...
Pages: 762-765
Urda Rüdrich, Manuela Gehring, Eleni Papakonstantinou, Anja Illerhaus, Judith Engmann, Alexander Kapp, Karin Hartmann, N. Helge Meyer, Bernhard F. Gibbs, Ulrike Raap
Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is characterized by substantial skin and blood eosinophilia as well as intensive pruritus. Since the pruritogenic cytokine interleukin (IL)-31 is increased in inflammatory skin diseases the aim of this study was to determine whether IL-31 plays a role in BP. Using immunofluorescence, IL-31 expression was analysed in eosinophils derived from blister fluids and skin from pati ...
Pages: 766-771
Ankit Srivastava, Mona Ståhle, Andor Pivarcsi, Enikö Sonkoly
Tofacitinib is a Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor, which has shown efficacy in treating psoriasis. The mode of action of tofacitinib is not completely understood but it has been thought to be mediated by the inhibition of CD4+ T-cell activation. Here, we investigated whether the molecular targets of tofacitinib are expressed in keratinocytes, and whether tofacitinib can modulate the activity of the JA ...
Pages: 772-775
Eddy Hsi Chun Wang, Leopoldo Santos, Xi Yuan Li, Annie Tran, Sandra S.Y. Kim, Katrina Woo, Jerry Shapiro, Kevin J. McElwee
The development of androgenetic alopecia is associated with a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, but the association of alopecia areata with cardiovascular diseases in humans is largely unexplored. We measured the plasma level of two common cardiovascular disease markers, cardiac troponin I and C-reactive protein, in alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia affected subjects. Also, we in ...
Pages: 776-782
Yongqiong Deng, Hong Wang, Jiyuan Zhou, Yunzhou Mou, Guiqiang Wang, Xia Xiong
Acne vulgaris has been postulated to have a gastrointestinal mechanism; however, little is known about gut microbiota dysfunction in this condition. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate whether the gut microbiota is altered in acne. Faecal bacterial diversity was analysed in 43 patients with acne and 43 controls, using hypervariable tag sequencing of the V3–V4 region of the 1 ...
Pages: 783-790
Yuta Yoshii, Takahiro Ishikawa, Takichi Munetsugu, Aya Nishizawa, Norihiro Fujimoto, Takahiro Satoh
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 791-792
Carolyn M. Stull, Leslie A. Weaver, Rodrigo Valdes-Rodriguez, Srikanth Naramala, Michael J. Lavery, Yiong-Huak Chan, Fabian A. Mendoza, Gil Yosipovitch
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 793-794
Saumitra Pitake, Patrick C. Ralph, Jennifer DeBrecht, Santosh K. Mishra
Abstract is missing (Short Communication)
Pages: 795-796
Aleksandra Batycka-Baran, Wojciech Baran, Danuta Nowicka-Suszko, Jacek C. Szepietowski
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 797-798
Fumi Miyagawa, Hiroshi Iioka, Hideo Asada
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 799-800
Shoko Mai, Ken Natsuga, Souichi Shiratori, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Hiroshi Shimizu
Abstract is missing (Short Communication)
Pages: 801-802
Andrea Diociaiuti, Enrico Rosati, Maria Giovanna Paglietti, Paola Vacca, Renata Boldrini, Elisa Pisaneschi, Daniele Castiglia, Antonio Novelli, Maya El Hachem
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 803-804
Daisuke Watabe, Ayano Watanabe, Toshihide Akasaka, Osamu Sakamoto, Hiroo Amano
Abstract is missing (Short Communication)
Pages: 805-806
Mona Bidier, Mareen Salz, Jochen Meyburg, Adelheid Elbe-Bürger, Felix Lasitzschka, Ingrid Hausser, Knut Schäkel
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 807-808
Eran Cohen-Barak, Nada Danial-Farran, Helwa Hammad, Ola Aleme, Judith Krauz, Ester Gavish, Morad Khayat, Michael Ziv, Stavit Shalev
Abstract is missing (Short Communication)
Pages: 809-810
Alexander G.S. Zink, Melvin Rüth, Reinhold Watzele, Claudio R. Nigg, Eva A. Rehfuess
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 811-812
Stefano Veraldi, Paolo Pontini, Gianluca Nazzaro
Abstract is missing (Quiz)
Pages: 813-814
Anna Trier Heiberg Brix, Anne Lindegaard Christensen, Anette Bygum
Abstract is missing (Quiz)
Pages: 815-816
Jun Omatsu, Ryosuke Saigusa, Takuya Miyagawa, Hiroko Numajiri, Kaname Akamata, Yuri Masui, Daisuke Yamada, Shinichi Sato
Abstract is missing (Quiz)
Pages: 817-819
Justyna Szczęch, Marcelina Pojawa-Gołąb, Dominik Samotij, Adam Reich
Abstract is missing (Quiz)
Pages: 820-821
Alice Mouchard, Matthias Tallegas, Marie-Christine Machet, Laurent Machet, Hélène Cornillier
Abstract is missing (Quiz)
Pages: 822-823
Kazumasa Oya, Yosuke Ishitsuka, Manabu Fujimoto
Abstract is missing (Quiz)
Pages: 824-825
Lisa Naysmith
Abstract is missing (Book review)
Page: 826