Content - Volume 96, Issue 2
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Editor's choice in this issue
Bodo C. Melnik

Increased expression of cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide (CAMP) is related to the pathogenesis of rosacea. CAMP plays a crucial role in antimicrobial defences, such as the killing of mycobacteria. CAMP gene expression is regulated by vitamin D-dependent (VDR) and vitamin D-independent (C/EBPα) transcription factors. VDR-dependent CAMP expression is sufficient during the summer months in Nor ...
Pages: 147-156
Christina Schut, Nicholas K. Mollanazar, Jörg Kupfer, Uwe Gieler, Gil Yosipovitch

Patients with chronic itch suffer from higher levels of depression and anxiety than their healthy counterparts. Furthermore, psychological factors, such as stress, are known to aggravate itch. The mere act of thinking about itching can induce the sensation. Interventions like habit reversal training and arousal reduction have been shown to have positive effects on itch relief. Yet, there is still ...
Pages: 157-161
Martin Inzinger, Katharina Wippel-Slupetzky, Wolfgang Weger, Leo Richter, Alexander Mlynek, Barbara Fleischander, Christine Scheurecker, Nikolaus Sandor, Daniela Mairhofer, Paul G. Sator, Sabine Moser-Oberthaler, Nina Häring, Petra Viznerova, Clemens Painsi, Adrian Tanew, Peter Ponholzer, Rafaella Tatarski, Wilhelm Brenner, Georg Stingl, Wolfgang Salmhofer, Klemens Rappersberger, Georg Klein, Werner Saxinger, Josef Auböck, Claudia Kölli, Franz Trautinger, Andreas Steiner, Gudrun Ratzinger, Robert Strohal, Elisabeth Riedl, Bernhard Lange-Asschenfeldt, Hubert Pehamberger, Beatrix Volc-Platzer, Sylvia Selhofer, Franz Josef Legat, Robert Müllegger, Norbert Reider, Matthias Schmuth, Helmut Hintner, Angelika Hofer, Alexandra Gruber-Wackernagel, Werner Aberer, Franz Quehenberger, Peter Wolf

This retrospective multicentre analysis from the Psoriasis Registry Austria (PsoRA) was conducted to determine drug effectiveness and survival of anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha (anti-TNF-α) agents in patients with moderate-to-severe chronic plaque psoriasis over a 9-year period. Data on 1,019 treatment cycles with adalimumab (n=460), etanercept (n=501), and/or infliximab (n=58) administere ...
Pages: 207-212
All articles
Bodo C. Melnik
Increased expression of cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide (CAMP) is related to the pathogenesis of rosacea. CAMP plays a crucial role in antimicrobial defences, such as the killing of mycobacteria. CAMP gene expression is regulated by vitamin D-dependent (VDR) and vitamin D-independent (C/EBPα) transcription factors. VDR-dependent CAMP expression is sufficient during the summer months in Nor ...
Pages: 147-156
Christina Schut, Nicholas K. Mollanazar, Jörg Kupfer, Uwe Gieler, Gil Yosipovitch
Patients with chronic itch suffer from higher levels of depression and anxiety than their healthy counterparts. Furthermore, psychological factors, such as stress, are known to aggravate itch. The mere act of thinking about itching can induce the sensation. Interventions like habit reversal training and arousal reduction have been shown to have positive effects on itch relief. Yet, there is still ...
Pages: 157-161
Kathrin Schlüter, Sandra Diehl, Victoria Lang, Roland Kaufmann, Wolf-Henning Boehncke, Claudia Bürger
Psoriasis primarily affects the skin, but also has a systemic dimension and is associated with severe comorbidities. Since endothelial cells play an important role in psoriasis as well as in the development of cardiovascular comorbidities, we investigated whether a common mechanism, namely cytokine-induced insulin resistance, underlies both pathologies. Activation of the insulin pathway was studie ...
Pages: 162-168
Jana Hallau, Lutz Hamann, Ralf R. Schumann, Margitta Worm, Guido Heine
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease in which genetic and environmental factors result in impaired epidermal barrier functioning and an altered immune response. Vitamin D influences these 2 pathomechanisms, and beneficial results have been suggested in AD. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential roles of the 2 essential vitamin D metabolizing enzymes. The fr ...
Pages: 169-172
Hanna Norrlid, Frida Hjalte, Adam Lundqvist, Åke Svensson, Gunnel Ragnarson Tennvall
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disorder with high prevalence, especially in the Nordic countries. Effective maintenance therapy during symptom-free episodes may prolong the time to eczema relapse according to a previously published clinical trial. The present study evaluates the cost-effectiveness of a barrier-strengthening moisturizer containing 5% urea, compared with a moisturizer with no a ...
Pages: 173-176
Delphine Raffin, Bruno Giraudeau, Mahtab Samimi, Laurent Machet, Xavier Pourrat, Annabel Maruani
Fear of corticosteroid use among patients and parents of children with atopic dermatitis (AD) may be increased by professional caregiver’s mistrust to corticosteroids and a lack of consistency in information provision. This study used a French national survey to assess mistrust among pharmacists of the use of topical steroids for treatment of AD in children. From all pharmacies in France, a rand ...
Pages: 177-180
Magdalena Claeson, Stefan Hallberg, Paul Holmström, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Helena Gonzalez, John Paoli
Incidence rates for cutaneous malignant melanoma are increasing worldwide. Estimates of the future number of melanoma cases are important for strategic planning of the care pathway. The aim of this study was to use system dynamics modelling to evaluate the long-term effects of changes in incidence, population growth and preventive interventions. Historical data on invasive melanoma cases in Wester ...
Pages: 181-185
Lisanne J. Secker, Wilma Bergman, Nicole A. Kukutsch
Skin self-examination can help patients who are at high risk for developing melanoma to become more involved in their own surveillance and treatment. This study examined the use of total body photography as an aid to skin self-examination from the patients’ perspective. A total of 179 individuals at high risk for developing melanoma who had undergone total body photography (60.5% response rate) ...
Pages: 186-190
Monika Kalowska, Olga Ciepiela, Cezary Kowalewski, Urszula Demkow, Robert A. Schwartz, Katarzyna Wozniak
Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is characterized by IgG and IgE autoantibodies to the NC16a domain of BP180. This study evaluated the correlation between body surface area (BSA), total serum IgE and enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) for IgG and IgE anti-NC16a in 77 patients with BP in the active stage, and the degree of conversion to negative of the studied parameters in clinical remission. Statistically ...
Pages: 191-196
Jana Jankásková, Orsolya N. Horváth, Rita Varga, Thomas Ruzicka, Miklós Sárdy
The complement fixation test (CFT) is a method traditionally used for diagnosis of gestational pemphigoid. Its performance in diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid (BP) has not been investigated in a large patient cohort. The aim of this single-centre, retrospective, serological case-control study of 300 patients with BP and 136 control patients was to analyse its operating characteristics. CFT was foun ...
Pages: 197-201
Kirsten Salado-Rasmussen, Susan Cowan, Jan Gerstoft, Helle Kiellberg Larsen, Steen Hoffmann, Troels Bygum Knudsen, Terese Lea Katzenstein, Jørgen Skov Jensen
The aim of this nationwide study is to determine the strain type diversity among patients diagnosed with syphilis by PCR during a 4-year period in Denmark. Epidemiological data, including HIV status, for all patients were obtained from the Danish national syphilis registration system. Molecular strain typing was based on characterization of 3 variable treponemal genes, arp, tpr and tp0548. A total ...
Pages: 202-206
Martin Inzinger, Katharina Wippel-Slupetzky, Wolfgang Weger, Leo Richter, Alexander Mlynek, Barbara Fleischander, Christine Scheurecker, Nikolaus Sandor, Daniela Mairhofer, Paul G. Sator, Sabine Moser-Oberthaler, Nina Häring, Petra Viznerova, Clemens Painsi, Adrian Tanew, Peter Ponholzer, Rafaella Tatarski, Wilhelm Brenner, Georg Stingl, Wolfgang Salmhofer, Klemens Rappersberger, Georg Klein, Werner Saxinger, Josef Auböck, Claudia Kölli, Franz Trautinger, Andreas Steiner, Gudrun Ratzinger, Robert Strohal, Elisabeth Riedl, Bernhard Lange-Asschenfeldt, Hubert Pehamberger, Beatrix Volc-Platzer, Sylvia Selhofer, Franz Josef Legat, Robert Müllegger, Norbert Reider, Matthias Schmuth, Helmut Hintner, Angelika Hofer, Alexandra Gruber-Wackernagel, Werner Aberer, Franz Quehenberger, Peter Wolf
This retrospective multicentre analysis from the Psoriasis Registry Austria (PsoRA) was conducted to determine drug effectiveness and survival of anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha (anti-TNF-α) agents in patients with moderate-to-severe chronic plaque psoriasis over a 9-year period. Data on 1,019 treatment cycles with adalimumab (n=460), etanercept (n=501), and/or infliximab (n=58) administere ...
Pages: 207-212
Ella A.M. van der Voort, Edith M. Koehler, Tamar Nijsten, Bruno H. Stricker, Albert Hofman, Harry L.A. Janssen, Jeoffrey N.L. Schouten, Marlies Wakkee
Prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is increased in patients with psoriasis. However, it is not known how liver fibrosis correlates with psoriasis. This study investigated the association between psoriasis and liver fibrosis compared with participants without psoriasis within the population-based Rotterdam Study. All participants were screened for liver fibrosis using transient elastog ...
Pages: 213-217
Alexander Egeberg, Usman Khalid, Gunnar Hilmar Gislason, Lotus Mallbris, Lone Skov, Peter Riis Hansen
Psoriasis is associated with depression, myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke. Patients with depression have increased cardiovascular risk. However, the link between psoriasis, depression and cardiovascular disease is unclear. This link was investigated in a nationwide Danish cohort of patients with psoriasis (n=29,406). Incidence rates were calculated, and incidence rate ratios (IRRs) adjusted f ...
Pages: 218-221
Peter Theut Riis, Gabrielle R. Vinding, Hans Christian Ring, Gregor B.E. Jemec
Disutility reflects the disability caused by a disease. The EuroQoL-5D (EQ-5D) questionnaire is a measure of health-related overall utility. The questionnaire has only been applied previously to a small number of patients with hidradenitis. In this study a survey of 421 patients with hidradenitis suppurativa was conducted using the EQ-5D questionnaire. Questions regarding pain, malodour and prurit ...
Pages: 222-226
Flora Balieva, Lars Lien, Jörg Kupfer, Jon Anders Halvorsen, Florence Dalgard
Dermatological disease has been shown to be associated with psychological comorbidity. The aim of this observational study is to describe the distribution of skin disease and the prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among Norwegian dermatological outpatients. Thirteen percent of outpatients had clinical anxiety compared with 3.7% of healthy controls, and 5.8% had clinical depression compar ...
Pages: 227-231
Birgitta Meding, Karin Wrangsjö, Alex Burdorf, Bengt Järvholm
Disability pensions due to skin diseases in Swedish male construction workers were studied by linking data from pension registers and an occupational health service. Incidence rates of disability pensions for cement workers, painters and plumbers were compared with 2 control groups. A total of 623 disability pensions were granted during 4 decades of follow-up. The main diagnoses were eczema (36%) ...
Pages: 232-236
Jakob F. Schwensen, Torkil Menné, Mette Sommerlund, Klaus E. Andersen, Charlotte G. Mortz, Claus Zachariae, Jeanne D. Johansen
Contact dermatitis in healthcare workers is a world wide problem. We conducted a retrospective observational study of the patch-test results of 1402 healthcare workers and 1402 matched controls with contact dermatitis who were treated at 3 hospitals departments in Denmark between 2007 and 2014. The primary objective was to determine whether healthcare work was associated with contact allergy to th ...
Pages: 237-240
Noora Neittaanmäki-Perttu, Mari Grönroos, Toni Karppinen, Erna Snellman, Pekka Rissanen
Daylight-mediated photodynamic therapy (DL-PDT) is considered as effective as conventional PDT using artificial light (light-emitting diode (LED)-PDT) for treatment of actinic keratoses (AK). This randomized prospective non-sponsored study assessed the cost-effectiveness of DL-PDT compared with LED-PDT. Seventy patients with 210 AKs were randomized to DL-PDT or LED-PDT groups. Effectiveness was as ...
Pages: 241-244
Woo Jin Lee, Kwang Hee Won, Chong Hyun Won, Sung Eun Chang, Jee Ho Choi, Kee Chan Moon, Chan-Sik Park, Jooryung Huh, Cheolwon Suh, Mi Woo Lee
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) can be separated into 2 groups: nodal and extranodal disease. The aim of this study was to analyse the clinical features of skin lesions and survival outcomes of cutaneous DLBCL according to the primary tumour site. A total of 44 patients with cutaneous DLBCL were classified as primary cutaneous DLBCL, leg type or cutaneous DLBCL secondary to primary disease. ...
Pages: 245-250
Stefano Piaserico, Paolo Gisondi, Clara De Simone, Elena Marinello, Andrea Conti, Paolo Amerio, Andrea Peserico
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 251-252
Satish F.K. Lubeek, Eric R. van der Geer, Marleen M.H.J. van Gelder, Peter C.M. van de Kerkhof, Marie-Jeanne P. Gerritsen
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 253-254
Joris Fuijkschot, Marieke M.B. Seyger, Diane E.T. Bastiaans, Ron A. Wevers, Nel Roeleveld, Michèl A.A.P. Willemsen
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 255-256
Jane Baumgartner-Nielsen, Anne Braae Olesen
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 257-258
Natsuko Matsumura, Mikio Ohtsuka, Nobuyuki Kikuchi, Toshiyuki Yamamoto
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 259-260
Giovanni Ghigliotti, Giovanni Di Zenzo, Emanuele Cozzani, Franco Rongioletti, Elena De Col, Carlotta Pastorino, Giovanni Murialdo, Aurora Parodi
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 261-262
Gaëlle Quéreux, Nicolas Josselin, Mélanie Saint-Jean, Lucie Peuvrel, Anabelle Brocard, Brigitte Dréno
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 263-264
Yumiko Sakuragi, Yu Sawada, Yoko Hara, Shun Ohmori, Daisuke Omoto, Sanehito Haruyama, Manabu Yoshioka, Daisuke Nishio, Motonobu Nakamura
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 265-266
Angela Alani, Muriel Sadlier, Kashif Ahmad
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 266-267
Maria Claudia Tirico, Cyro Festa Neto, Neusa Y.S. Valente, Marcello Menta S. Nico
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 268-269
Tutyana Sanusi, Jin Gong, Xia Wang, Mengjie Zhao, Yun Zhao, Xiangjie An, Chunsen Wang, Changzheng Huang, Siyuan Chen
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 270-271
Yuko Ehara, Yuichi Yoshida, Tatsushi Shiomi, Osamu Yamamoto
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 272-273
Shiang-Yu Yang, Cheng-Che E. Lan
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 274-275
Miho Kabuto, Noriki Fujimoto, Akihiko Yamaguchi, Toshihiro Tanaka
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 276-278
Neera Nathan, Kristina Burke, Cory Trickett, Joel Moss, Thomas N. Darling
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 278-280
Burak Tekin, Deniz Yucelten, Rudolf Happle
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 280-282
Sofia Norstedt, Magnus Lindberg
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 283-284
Valérie Vuong, Gentiane Monsel, Bénedicte Cavelier-Balloy, Maxime Battistella, Evelyne Collet, Martine Bagot, Nicole Basset-Seguin, Manuelle Viguier
Abstract is missing (Quiz)
Pages: 285-287
Elena del Alcázar Viladomiu, Arantxa López Pestaña, Sara Ibarbia Oruezabal, María Paula Gutiérrez Tamara, Anna Tuneu Valls
Abstract is missing (Quiz)
Pages: 285-287
Kristian Thestrup-Pedersen
Abstract is missing (Book review)
Page: 288
Carl-Fredrik Wahlgren
Abstract is missing (Book review)
Page: 288