Content - Volume 95, Issue 4
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Editor's choice in this issue
Oliver Seifert, Jan Söderman, Marita Skarstedt, Olaf Dienus, Andreas Matussek

Psoriasis is a common inflammatory skin disease characterised by abnormal keratinocyte proliferation, increased dermal angiogenesis and systemic inflammation. The cell signalling cascades provoked by Wnt proteins and their inhibitors, such as Dickkopf-1, play crucial roles to maintain homeostasis of a variety of tissues, including skin, and are also involved in angiogenesis and innate immunity. Th ...
Pages: 407-410
Tiina Ilves, Ilkka T. Harvima

Mast cell chymase and interleukin (IL)-6 can be involved in atopic dermatitis and chymase can degrade IL-6. Our aim was therefore to study the expression of mast cell chymase and IL-6 in atopic skin using enzyme- and immunohistochemistry and to analyse their interaction in vitro. Chymase activity was significantly reduced in mast cells in skin lesions whereas the percentage of IL-6+ mast cells was ...
Pages: 411-416
Kristina Lings, Anette Bygum

Linear IgA bullous dermatosis (LAD) is an autoimmune, chronic bullous disease affecting primarily young children and adults. Studies on LAD are relatively sparse and from Scandinavia we could only find a few case reports. Therefore we decided to conduct a retrospective investigation of patients seen at our department since 1972. A total of 23 patients were identified; 7 children (F:M ratio 0.75) ...
Pages: 466-471
All articles
Alison V. Sears, Roderick J. Hay
Abstract is missing (Commentary)
Pages: 387-388
Laura von Kobyletzki, Åke Svensson, Christian Apfelbacher, Jochen Schmitt
The individual prognosis of infants with atopic dermatitis (AD) is important for parents, healthcare professionals, and society. The aim of this study was to investigate predictors for remission of infant AD until school age. A systematic review was carried out of clinical and epidemiological studies investigating the effect of filaggrin gene (FLG) loss-of-function mutations, sex, exposure to pets ...
Pages: 389-394
Mireille M.D. van der Linden, Dominique C. van Rappard, Joost G. Daams, Mirjam A.G. Sprangers, Phyllis I. Spuls, John de Korte
Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of rosacea patients is a relevant outcome measure in research and clinical practice. A review of the literature was systematically carried out regarding levels of HRQoL of patients with rosacea, including associations between HRQoL scores, demographic and clinical characteristics. Searches were performed in Cochrane, PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and LILAC ...
Pages: 395-400
Carole Dannepond, Annabel Maruani, Laurent Machet, David Ternant, Gilles Paintaud, Mahtab Samimi
The efficacy of infliximab is influenced by individual variability in its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Serum infliximab concentrations could therefore be related to the efficacy and tolerance of infliximab, and assist adjustment of treatment. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the value of measuring serum infliximab concentrations in psoriatic patients. A bibliographic searc ...
Pages: 401-406
Oliver Seifert, Jan Söderman, Marita Skarstedt, Olaf Dienus, Andreas Matussek
Psoriasis is a common inflammatory skin disease characterised by abnormal keratinocyte proliferation, increased dermal angiogenesis and systemic inflammation. The cell signalling cascades provoked by Wnt proteins and their inhibitors, such as Dickkopf-1, play crucial roles to maintain homeostasis of a variety of tissues, including skin, and are also involved in angiogenesis and innate immunity. Th ...
Pages: 407-410
Tiina Ilves, Ilkka T. Harvima
Mast cell chymase and interleukin (IL)-6 can be involved in atopic dermatitis and chymase can degrade IL-6. Our aim was therefore to study the expression of mast cell chymase and IL-6 in atopic skin using enzyme- and immunohistochemistry and to analyse their interaction in vitro. Chymase activity was significantly reduced in mast cells in skin lesions whereas the percentage of IL-6+ mast cells was ...
Pages: 411-416
Rodrigo Valdes-Rodriguez, Nicholas K. Mollanazar, Jorge González-Muro, Leigh Nattkemper, Bertha Torres-Alvarez, Francisco Javier López-Esqueda, Yiong-Huak Chan, Gil Yosipovitch
A cross-sectional study of geriatric patients was performed to provide a comprehensive description of the prevalence and clinical characteristics of chronic itch affecting Hispanic geriatric subjects in Mexico. Participants were recruited from both nursing homes and geriatric ambulatory care centers. Patients without dementia were evaluated using an itch intensity and characteristic questionnaire ...
Pages: 417-421
Susana Puig, Joaquim Marcoval, Cristina Paradelo, Antoni Azon, Ramon Bartralot, Susana Bel, Xavier Bigata, Aram Boada, Antoni Campoy, Cristina Carrera, Neus Curco, Joan Dalmau, Carlos Ferrándiz, Josep R. Ferreres, Manel Formigon, Fernando Gallardo, Alberto Gonzalez, Miquel Just, Enric Llistosella, Rosa M. Marti, M. Elena Nogues, Ramon Pedragosa, Josep A. Pujol, Rodrigo Roldán-Marín, Mireia Sabat, Montserrat Salleras, Juan A. Smandia, Pedro Zaballos, Estel Plana, Josep Malvehy
All cases of MM diagnosed in 23 hospitals in Catalonia, from 2000 to 2007 were recorded and melanoma incidence calculated and adjusted for the European standard population via the direct method. The age standardised rate/100,000 inhabitants varied from 6.74 in 2000 to 8.64 in 2007 for all melanomas and from 4.79 to 5.80 for invasive MMs; the Breslow thickness was stable during the period. The incr ...
Pages: 422-426
Kristina Ryberg, Johanna Bråred-Christensson, Malin Engfeldt, Marléne Isaksson, Magnus Lindberg, Mihaly Matura, Berndt Stenberg, Cecilia Svedman, Magnus Bruze
Disperse dyes, which are used for colouring synthetic textile fibres, are well-known contact sensitisers. To investigate the outcome of patch-testing with a textile dye mix (TDM) at 7 dermatology clinics in Sweden, a TDM tested at 2 concentrations was included into the baseline series during one year. The mix consisted of Disperse (D) Blue 35, D Yellow 3, D Orange 1 and 3, D Red 1 and 17, all 1.0% ...
Pages: 427-431
Cataldo Patruno, Maddalena Napolitano, Nicola Balato, Fabio Ayala, Matteo Megna, Angela Patrì, Teresa Cirillo, Anna Balato
The prevalence of skin pain and the molecular mechanisms responsible for pain in psoriasis remain unclear. This study assessed skin pain in 163 patients (98 males, 65 females, range 18–81 years) with plaque psoriasis, evaluating: the subjective/objective features of this symptom compared with clinical severity of the disease; and the role of interleukin (IL)-33, (involved in both psoriasis and p ...
Pages: 432-438
Charlotta Remröd, Karin Sjöström, Åke Svensson
Pruritus intensity is often not proportional to disease severity in patients with psoriasis or other pruritic dermatoses. Increasing evidence indicates that psychological factors may play an important role in the overall aetiology of pruritus. The aim of this study was to examine whether patients with psoriasis and severe pruritus differ psychologically from those with mild pruritus. In this study ...
Pages: 439-443
Sylvia van Beugen, Alicja Ograczyk, Maaike Ferwerda, Jurgen V. Smit, Manon E.J. Zeeuwen-Franssen, Elisabeth B.M. Kroft, Elke M.G.J. de Jong, Anna Zalewska-Janowska, A. Rogier T. Donders, Peter C.M. van de Kerkhof, Henriët van Middendorp, Andrea W.M. Evers
A certain level of attention to bodily signals may be adaptive in the management of chronic skin conditions, as a lack of attention may lead to inadequate self-care behaviour and, consequently, may affect functioning and treatment outcomes. The purpose of this study was to develop a body awareness questionnaire and to investigate its psychometric properties and physical and psychological correlate ...
Pages: 444-450
Hester C. Kuipers, Marco Bremer, Leen Braem, Anne-Sofie Goemanne, Esther Middelkoop, Nancy E.E. van Loey
Pruritus is a frequently encountered symptom following burns. Higher intensity of itching has been associated with depth of the wounds and specific body locations but these differences are not well understood. Our aim was to investigate the intensity of post burn pruritus in grafted and non-grafted burns across anatomic areas and to report on itch-inducing factors and applied treatments. The study ...
Pages: 451-456
Josefin Lysell, Mesfin Tessma, Pernilla Nikamo, Carl-Fredrik Wahlgren, Mona Ståhle
Epidemiological data in childhood psoriasis are accumulating. However, reliable information captured at onset is lacking. In a cross sectional study we recruited 109 children <16 years within 12 months of psoriasis onset and explored the clinical characteristics. Pre-pubertal children, especially boys, more often had inverse involvement (OR = 2.8, 95% CI = 1.1, 7.1, p≤0.05). HLA-C*06 was pos ...
Pages: 457-461
Zhiliang Li, Jiechen Zhang, Haoxiang Xu, Peiying Jin, Suying Feng, Baoxi Wang
Pemphigus is an autoimmune disease characterised by anti-desmoglein (Dsg) antibodies in the serum of patients. The disease can be divided into pemphigus foliaceus and pemphigus vulgaris. Anti-Dsg1 antibody is generally related to pemphigus with cutaneous lesion, and the anti-Dsg3 antibody is related to pemphigus with mucosa lesion. Twenty-nine patients with pemphigus vulgaris were selected in the ...
Pages: 462-465
Kristina Lings, Anette Bygum
Linear IgA bullous dermatosis (LAD) is an autoimmune, chronic bullous disease affecting primarily young children and adults. Studies on LAD are relatively sparse and from Scandinavia we could only find a few case reports. Therefore we decided to conduct a retrospective investigation of patients seen at our department since 1972. A total of 23 patients were identified; 7 children (F:M ratio 0.75) ...
Pages: 466-471
Anne G. Skov, Robert Gniadecki
The diagnosis of mycosis fungoides (MF) is difficult in early stages and is based on a combination of clinical findings and histopathologic criteria. The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic delay in MF and to investigate the rationale for multiple biopsies in a single-centre, retrospective study of 157 patients with MF. The first biopsy was diagnostic for MF in 25% of cases. The median ...
Pages: 472-475
Hanako Koguchi-Yoshioka, Mari Wataya-Kaneda, Mizuki Yutani, Hiroyuki Murota, Hajime Nakano, Daisuke Sawamura, Ichiro Katayama
Recently, patients with hypohidrotic/anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (H/AED) have been reported to have a higher prevalence of symptoms suggestive of atopic disorders than the general population. To better understand atopic diathesis in H/AED, 6 cases of clinically or genetically diagnosed H/AED were examined. The following criteria were evaluated with patient consent: sweating, blood test results ...
Pages: 476-479
Satoshi Takeuchi, Hitokazu Esaki, Norihiro Furusyo, Sayaka Hayashida, Kazuhiko Yamamura, Gaku Tsuji, Masaki Takemura, Jun Hayashi, Masutaka Furue
Population cohort studies are important for understanding the current status of the target disease and its relation to comorbidity, gender, age, or environmental factors. To better understand atopic dermatitis (AD) and its related diseases, we initiated in 2001 a population cohort study of nursery school children from Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan. The cohort study comprised a dermatologist-base ...
Pages: 480-484
Laurent Misery, Pierre Wolkenstein, Jean-Michel Amici, Rémi Maghia, Emilie Brenaut, Christine Cazeau, Jean-Jacques Voisard, Charles Taïeb
Acne is a common disease among young people, which could have a serious impact on quality of life. Based on a survey using the quotas method on a large sample of the French population, we studied the impact of acne on feelings of stress, fatigue upon waking, sleep disorders and sexual activity. We did not establish any relationship to sleep disorders, but clearly ascertained that people with acne ...
Pages: 485-488
Didier Bessis, Marie Kempf, Laurent Marsollier
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 489-490
Hemin Lee, Soo Hee Kim, Sang Won Lee, Zhenlong Zheng, Dongsik Bang, Do Young Kim
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 491-492
Yuka Hirakawa, Naoki Oiso, Norito Ishii, Hiroshi Koga, Megumi Tatebayashi, Shusuke Uchida, Hiromasa Matsuda, Takashi Hashimoto, Akira Kawada
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 493-494
Laure Philippe, Julio Badie, Jean Pierre Faller, Élise Krattinger, Eric Deconinck, François Aubin
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 495-496
Masataka Tokuzumi, Tomomi Fujisawa, En Shu, Hiroyuki Kanoh, Chiemi Saigo, Tatsuhiko Miyazaki, Yasuhito Hamaguchi, Mariko Seishima
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 497-498
Akihiko Uchiyama, Sei-ichiro Motegi, Etsuko Okada, Nobuyuki Hirai, Yayoi Nagai, Atsushi Tamura, Osamu Ishikawa
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 499-500
Ayako Koura-Nishiura, Kozo Yoneda, Yasuo Kubota
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 501-502
Reiko Tsutsumi, Koji Adachi, Yuichi Yoshida, Osamu Yamamoto
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 503-504
Yumiko Kaku, Takamichi Ito, Maiko Wada, Yui Nozaki, Makiko Kido-Nakahara, Masutaka Furue
Abstract is missing (Short communication)
Pages: 505-506
Nobuyuki Kikuchi, Tatsuhiko Mori, Tomoko Hiraiwa, Takenobu Ohashi, Yuka Hanami, Masataka Satoh, Mikio Ohtsuka, Toshiyuki Yamamoto
Abstract is missing (Quiz)
Pages: 507-509
Louai A. Salah
Abstract is missing (Quiz)
Pages: 507-509
Carl-Fredrik Wahlgren
Abstract is missing (Book review)
Page: 512