
Content - Volume 70, Issue 3

All articles

Contraction phenomenon of type I collagen gel by melanoma cells.
Kono T, Furukawa M, Tanii T, Kitajima J, Mizuno N, Ishii M, Hamada T.
No abstract available.
Pages: 185-188
Abstract  PDF
Attachment and detachment of human epidermal melanocytes.
Warfvinge K, Agdell J, Andersson L, Andersson A.
No abstract available.
Pages: 189-193
Abstract  PDF
An electron microscopic study of oral lesions in erythema multiforme.
Ruokonen H, Hietanen J, Malmström M.
No abstract available.
Pages: 199-203
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Quinine and quinidine cross-react after systemic photosensitization in the mouse.
Wirestrand LE, Ljunggren B.
No abstract available.
Pages: 204-207
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Changes in muscarinic acetylcholine receptor binding in skin slices of cholinergic urticaria.
Haustein UF, Schliebs R, Schaller J.
No abstract available.
Pages: 208-211
Abstract  PDF
Comparison of narrow-band UV-B phototherapy and PUVA photochemotherapy in the treatment of psoriasis.
Van Weelden H, Baart de la Faille H, Young E, van der Leun JC.
No abstract available.
Pages: 212-215
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Facial skin complaints and work at visual display units. A histopathological study.
Berg M, Hedblad MA, Erhardt K.
No abstract available.
Pages: 216-220
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Family study on Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome. Some hereditary aspects of the disease and review of literature.
Meisel-Stosiek M, Hornstein OP, Stosiek N.
No abstract available.
Pages: 221-226
Abstract  PDF
A randomized trial of two occlusive dressings in the treatment of leg ulcers.
Brandrup F, Menné T, Agren MS, Strömberg HE, Holst R, Frisén M.
No abstract available.
Pages: 231-235
Abstract  PDF
A case of cicatricial pemphigoid with circulating IgA and IgG antibodies directed against 280 kD, 165 kD and 120-130 kD epidermal antigens.
Petit A, Perrin P, Bernard P, Blanchet-Bardon C, Janier M, Civatte J.
No abstract available.
Pages: 236-238
Abstract  PDF
Correlation between ageing and collagen gel contractility of human fibroblasts.
Kono T, Tanii T, Furukawa M, Mizuno N, Kitajima J, Ishii M, Hamada T.
No abstract available.
Pages: 241-244
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Potassium iodide inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis.
Honma K, Saga K, Onodera H, Takahashi M.
No abstract available.
Pages: 247-249
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Generalized pustular drug rash induced by hydroxychloroquine.
Lotem M, Ingber A, Segal R, Sandbank M.
No abstract available.
Pages: 250-251
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Sézary-type cutaneous T-cell leukaemia. Response to Winkelmann regimen.
Harland CC, Balsitis M, Millard LG.
No abstract available.
Pages: 251-253
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Cutaneous malignant fibrous histiocytoma. A rare but serious malignancy.
Berth-Jones J, Fletcher A, Graham-Brown R.
No abstract available.
Pages: 254-256
Abstract  PDF
Simultaneous occurrence of calcification and amyloid deposit in pilomatricoma.
Sano Y, Mihara M, Miyamoto T, Shimao S.
No abstract available.
Pages: 256-259
Abstract  PDF
Prognostic significance of digital blood pressure in leg ulcer patients.
Sindrup JH, Danielsen L, Karlsmark T, Tikjøb G, Jensen BL, Kristensen JK, Avnstorp C, Holstein P.
No abstract available.
Pages: 259-261
Abstract  PDF
Intradermal antigen tests in psoriasis.
McFadden JP, Powles AV, Baker BS, Valdimarsson H, Fry L.
No abstract available.
Pages: 262-264
Abstract  PDF
Serum-soluble interleukin 2 receptor in psoriasis. Failure to reflect clinical improvement.
Kemmett D, Symons JA, Colver GB, Duff GW.
No abstract available.
Pages: 264-266
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Incontinentia pigmenti in identical twins with separate skin and neurological disorders.
Tanaka K, Kambe N, Fujita M, Ando Y, Takashima S, Yuasa I.
No abstract available.
Pages: 267-268
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Familial lichen planus.
Valsecchi R, Bontempelli M, di Landro A, Barcella A, Lainelli T.
No abstract available.
Pages: 272-273
Abstract  PDF
C3d,g in normal human epidermal basement membrane.
Basset-Seguin N, Yancey KB.
No abstract available.
Page: 273
Abstract  PDF