Melanocytic proliferation in condylomata acuminata. A report of two cases and investigation by in situ hybridisation
Blessing K, McLaren KM, Maloney DJ, Porteus I, Hunter JA.
DOI: 10.2340/0001555569238241
Two cases of melanocytic lesion occurring in condylomata acuminata are described. In situ hybridization with human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA probes specific for 6b, 11, 16, 18 revealed positivity with HPV6 and 11, in the non-dysplastic condylomata, and HPV 18 positivity in the case showing severe dysplasia. The HPV localization was confined to the superficial parakeratotic zones, remote from the melanocytic proliferation. The relationship between human papillomavirus and the melanocytic lesions is discussed.
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