Biochemical characterization and tissue distribution of the scleredema in a case of Buschke´s disease
Roupe G, Laurent TC, Malmström A, Suurküla M, Särnstrand B.
DOI: 10.2340/0001555567193198
Biopsies from a patient with a longstanding form of scleredema adultorum Buschke were analysed for morphological and biochemical changes in the dermal connective tissue. By light microscopy the tissue changes were located to the deep part of the reticular dermis. Therefore dermal tissue was separated into a superficial and a deep part and analysed biochemically. By this procedure it was possible to show that the concentration of hyaluronan in the deep part of the dermis was increased. The urinary excretion of methylimidazole acetic acid, an indicator of the mast cell mass in the body, was also elevated.
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