Content » Vol 66, Issue 4

Vulval lichen sclerosus et atrophicus treated with etretinate (Tigason)

Mørk NJ, Jensen P, Hoel PS.
DOI: 10.2340/0001555566363365


In an open uncontrolled study eight patients with vulval lichen sclerosus et atrophicus were given etretinate (Tigason) 1 mg/kg/day. The dose was then gradually reduced according to effect and side effects. Six patients showed improvement in symptoms and in clinical morphology based on the physician´s evaluation and photographic documentation. In four of five patients where biopsies were taken, there was a marked change in the histological picture towards normalization. Two patients did not respond to the treatment. All patients experienced the well-known side effects of etretinate in various degree. We conclude that treatment with etretinate should be tried in vulval lichen sclerosus et atrophicus if the result of other therapeutical efforts are unsatisfactory.


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