Petechiae and vasculitis in asymptomatic primary biliary cirrhosis
Diederichsen H, Sørensen PG, Mickley H, Hage E, Schultz-Larsen F.
DOI: 10.2340/0001555565263266
Recurrent petechiae of the lower legs and signs of asymptomatic primary biliary cirrhosis have been found in three women. Large immune complexes were identified in the serum of three and cryoglobulin/cryofibrinogen in two. Histological examination of skin biopsies revealed a leukocytoclastic vasculitis in all three patients. Direct immunofluorescent studies showed deposits of IgM, C3 and fibrinogen in and around the walls of the small vessels of the skin of two and C3 as well as fibrinogen in one patient. It is suggested that leukocytoclastic vasculitis may be a microscopic feature of the systemic involvement in asymptomatic primary biliary cirrhosis, and petechiae the clinical manifestation.
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