Content » Vol 89, Issue 5

Investigative Report

Psoriasis May Not Be an Independent Predictor for the Use of Cardiovascular and Anti-diabetic Drugs: A 5-year Prevalence Study

Marlies Wakkee, Willemijn Meijer, H.A. Martino Neumann, Ron M.C. Herings, Tamar Nijsten
DOI: 10.2340/00015555-0688


Most studies investigating the association between psoriasis and cardiovascular disease have shown a significant relationship. This comparison study investigated the association between psoriasis and prevalent use of cardiovascular drugs. Drug exposure data for 1998 to 2006 were extracted from the Dutch PHARMO-Record Linkage System database. Psoriasis patients were selected using an algorithm of hospitalization and drug dispensing records specific for psoriasis and matched with controls for gender, age and time-period. From the records of 2.5 million Dutch residents, 9,804 (0.4%) psoriasis patients and 15,288 (0.6%) controls were selected. Psoriasis patients used significantly more anti-hypertensives, anti-coagulant and anti-platelet agents, digoxin, nitrates, lipid-lowering and anti-diabetic drugs than the reference population during a 5-year period observation. In a multiple linear regression model adjusting for the number of unique drugs used, psoriasis was no longer significantly associated with any of these drug classes. Psoriasis patients used more cardiovascular-related drugs, but surveillance bias appears to affect this association considerably.


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