Quantitative and Ultrastructural Analysis of Inflammatory Infiltrates in Male Pattern Alopecia
Hirohiko Sueki, Tracy Stoudemayer, Albert M. Kligman, George F. Murphy
DOI: 10.1080/000155599750010238
In order to determine whether lymphocytic inflammation around the lower infundibula in male pattern alopecia is incidental or a general phenomenon, we performed morphometric and ultrastructural analysis of inflammatory infiltrates in the transitional zones of the vertex and occipital hairy scalps of 19 patients with male pattern alopecia. Six normal subjects served as controls. The number of inflammatory infiltrates around the follicular infundibula of the alopecic vertices and non-alopecic occiputs of male pattern alopecia patients was significantly greater than the corresponding control value. The number of mast cells in the widened fibrous tracts in the vertices of male pattern alopecia patients was significantly greater than those in the adventitial fibrotic sheaths of control subjects and the non-alopecic occiputs of male pattern alopecia patients. These data support the idea that the inflammatory process may be, at least in part, responsible for the development of male pattern alopecia.
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