Articles published by Nordic dermato-venereologists

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Bexarotene monotherapy for epidermotropic CD8+ CTCL.

Dermatol Clin 2008; 26 Suppl 1(): 45-7
Kamstrup M, Gniadecki R
Department of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Long-term follow-up of cancer risk in patients treated with short-term cyclosporine.

Acta Derm. Venereol. 2008; 88(2): 117-20
Väkevä L, Reitamo S, Pukkala E, Sarna S, Ranki A
Department of Dermatology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Skin and allergy Hospital, Meilahdentie 2, FIN-00250, Helsinki, Finland.

Transformation-specific matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-7 and MMP-13 are expressed by tumour cells in epidermolysis bullosa-associated squamous cell carcinomas.

Br. J. Dermatol. 2008; 158(4): 778-85
Kivisaari AK, Kallajoki M, Mirtti T, McGrath JA, Bauer JW, Weber F, Königová R, Sawamura D, Sato-Matsumura KC, Shimizu H, Csikós M, Sinemus K, Beckert W, Kähäri VM
Department of Dermatology, University of Turku and Turku University Central Hospital, Turku, Finland.

Cervical squamous carcinoma cells are resistant to the combined action of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and histamine whereas normal keratinocytes undergo cytolysis.

BMC Cancer 2008; 8(): 46
Diaconu NC, Rummukainen J, Mättö M, Naukkarinen A, Harvima RJ, Pelkonen J, Harvima IT
Department of Dermatology, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland.

Pemphigoid gestationis autoantigen, transmembrane collagen XVII, promotes the migration of cytotrophoblastic cells of placenta and is a structural component of fetal membranes.

Matrix Biol. 2008; 27(3): 190-200
Huilaja L, Hurskainen T, Autio-Harmainen H, Hofmann SC, Sormunen R, Räsänen J, Ilves M, Franzke CW, Bruckner-Tuderman L, Tasanen K
Department of Dermatology, University of Oulu and Clinical Research Center, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland.

Can the reporting of adverse skin reactions to cosmetics be improved? A prospective clinical study using a structured protocol.

Contact Derm. 2008; 58(4): 223-7
Berne B, Tammela M, Färm G, Inerot A, Lindberg M
Department of Medical Sciences, Section of Dermatology and Venereology, University Hospital, S-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden.

Chemical investigations of disperse dyes in patch test preparations.

Contact Derm. 2008; 58(4): 199-209
Ryberg K, Gruvberger B, Zimerson E, Isaksson M, Persson L, Sörensen O, Goossens A, Bruze M
Department of Occupational and Environmental Dermatology, Lund University, Malmö University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden.

In this issue... PPP: what's new in the treatment, pathogenesis and terminology?

Acta Derm. Venereol. 2008; 88(2): 99
Michaëlsson G
Department of Medical Sciences/Dermatology and Venereology, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden.

MicroRNAs and immunity: novel players in the regulation of normal immune function and inflammation.

Semin. Cancer Biol. 2008; 18(2): 131-40
Sonkoly E, Ståhle M, Pivarcsi A
Molecular Dermatology Research Group, Unit of Dermatology and Venerology, Center for Molecular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, SE-17176 Stockholm, Sweden.

The skin as a mirror of the soul: exploring the possible roles of serotonin.

Exp. Dermatol. 2008; 17(4): 301-11
Nordlind K, Azmitia EC, Slominski A
Department of Dermatology, Karolinska University Hospital, Solna, Stockholm, Sweden.
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