Articles published by Nordic dermato-venereologists

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Triterpenoid ?-amyrin stimulates proliferation of human keratinocytes but does not protect them against UVB damage.

Acta Biochim. Pol. 2012; 59(2): 255-60
Biskup E, Gołębiowski M, Gniadecki R, Stepnowski P, Łojkowska E
Department of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.

The relation between sunscreen layer thickness and vitamin D production after ultraviolet B exposure: a randomized clinical trial.

Br. J. Dermatol. 2012; 167(2): 391-5
Faurschou A, Beyer DM, Schmedes A, Bogh MK, Philipsen PA, Wulf HC
Department of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital, Bispebjerg Bakke 23, 2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark.

Topical valrubicin application reduces skin inflammation in murine models.

Br. J. Dermatol. 2012; 167(2): 288-95
Hauge E, Christiansen H, Rosada C, de Darkó E, Dam TN, Stenderup K
Department of Dermatology, Aarhus University Hospital, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

Targeted testing with diethylthiourea often reveals clinically relevant allergic contact dermatitis caused by neoprene rubber.

Contact Derm. 2012; 67(2): 89-93
Dall AB, Andersen KE, Mortz CG
Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital, Sdr. Boulevard 29, DK-5000 Odense C, Denmark.

Hailey-Hailey disease and tight junctions: Claudins 1 and 4 are regulated by ATP2C1 gene encoding Ca(2+) /Mn(2+) ATPase SPCA1 in cultured keratinocytes.

Exp. Dermatol. 2012; 21(8): 586-91
Raiko L, Siljamäki E, Mahoney MG, Putaala H, Suominen E, Peltonen J, Peltonen S
Department of Dermatology, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland; Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Turku, Turku, Finland.

Contact allergy to air-exposed geraniol: clinical observations and report of 14 cases.

Contact Derm. 2012; 67(1): 20-7
Hagvall L, Karlberg AT, Christensson JB
Department of Dermatology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden.

Does the new standard for eugenol designed to protect against contact sensitization protect those sensitized from elicitation of the reaction?

Dermatitis 2012; 23(1): 32-8
Svedman C, Engfeldt M, Api AM, Politano VT, Belsito DV, Gruvberger B, Bruze M
Department of Occupational and Environmental Dermatology, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden.

Grenz ray treatment of lentigo maligna and early lentigo maligna melanoma.

J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 2012; 67(1): 60-8
Hedblad MA, Mallbris L
Department of Medicine, Unit of Dermatology, Karolinska University Hospital Solna, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

Cold air analgesia as pain reduction during photodynamic therapy of actinic keratoses.

J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2012; 26(7): 849-54
Stangeland KZ, Kroon S
Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger, Norway.

Validity and interobserver agreement of lower extremity local tissue water measurements in healthy women using tissue dielectric constant.

Clin Physiol Funct Imaging 2012; 32(4): 317-22
Jensen MR, Birkballe S, Nørregaard S, Karlsmark T
Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Bispebjerg Hospital, University Hospital of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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