Articles published by Nordic dermato-venereologists

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Substance P alterations in skin and brain of chronically stressed atopic-like mice.

J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2013; 27(2): 199-205
Grip L, Lonne-Rahm SB, Holst M, Johansson B, Nordlind K, Theodorsson E, El-Nour H
Department of Medicine, Dermatology and Venereology Unit, Karolinska University Hospital Solna, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

Positive nickel patch tests in infants are of low clinical relevance and rarely reproducible.

Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2013; 24(1): 84-7
Mortz CG, Kjaer HF, Eller E, Osterballe M, Norberg LA, Høst A, Bindslev-Jensen C, Andersen KE
Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Odense C, Denmark.

Skin reactions and quality of life after x-ray therapy of Basal cell carcinoma.

J Skin Cancer 2013; 2012(): 825095
Skiveren J, Mikkelsen MR, Daugbjerg H, Wulf HC
Department of Dermatology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen 2400, Denmark.

Self-management in daily life with psoriasis: an integrative review of patient needs for structured education.

Nurs Res Pract 2013; 2012(): 890860
Rasmussen GS, Maindal HT, Lomborg K
Department of Dermatology, Aarhus University Hospital, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark.

Effect of amelogenin ECM protein on the healing of chronic leg ulcers with atrophie blanche.

J Wound Care 2013; 21(12): 612-4
Fogh K, Nielsen CB, Dam W
Department of Dermatology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark.

Outcome of a second patch test reading of TRUE Tests® on D6/7.

Contact Derm. 2013; 68(2): 94-7
Torp Madsen J, Andersen KE
Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.

Second-degree burns caused by exposure to sunbed with displaced filter in the facial tanner: a report of two cases.

Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2013; 29(1): 49-51
Faurschou A, Heydenreich J, Wulf HC
Department of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.

A heparin-based method for flow cytometric analysis of microparticles directly from platelet-poor plasma in calcium containing buffer.

J. Immunol. Methods 2013; 388(1-2): 49-59
Iversen LV, Ostergaard O, Nielsen CT, Jacobsen S, Heegaard NH
Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Bispebjerg, Denmark.

Clinical value of component-resolved diagnostics in peanut-allergic patients.

Allergy 2013; 68(2): 190-4
Eller E, Bindslev-Jensen C
Department of Dermatology & Allergy Center, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark. Esben.Eller@ouh.region

Fractional laser-assisted delivery of methyl aminolevulinate: Impact of laser channel depth and incubation time.

Lasers Surg Med 2013; 44(10): 787-95
Haak CS, Farinelli WA, Tam J, Doukas AG, Anderson RR, Haedersdal M
Department of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen NV, Denmark.
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